Dr. Rand Paul’s Op-Eds

The Hill Op-Ed: “Why our experts might think twice before saying children should not return to the classroom”
Fatal conceit: it is the concept that central planning, with decision-making concentrated in a few hands, can never fully grasp the millions of complex individual interactions occurring simultaneously in the marketplace.It is a fatal conceit to believe any one person...

Breitbart Op-Ed: Rand Paul: “Who Benefits from Afghanistan ‘Bounty’ Leak?”
The Roman Judge Lucius Cassius is reported to have often used the phrase: "Cui bono" or "who benefits?"That very question needs to be asked in examining why an intelligence officer in our government committed a felony by releasing classified information alleging that...

Daily Caller Op-Ed: RAND PAUL: “The Unmasking Controversy Is About More Than A Democrat Conspiracy Against Trump It’s About Unconstitutional Spying”
Last week, there was much discussion over "unmasking," where Obama administration officials flagrantly violated the constitutional rights of American citizens, including those of their political opponents.To be sure, this behavior was abhorrent, and I gladly...

USA Today Joint Op-Ed: “Rand Paul, Andy Biggs: Anthony Fauci wants America closed until there’s nothing to reopen”
As much as we respect Dr. Anthony Fauci's service to our country and medical opinion, we disagree that his current positions on the virus outbreak provide the best path forward. Instead, discouraging states from reopening will only prolong a long-term public health...

WCHU Op-Ed: “U.S. Senator Rand Paul Facts Matter”
I don't think any medical professional would enjoy receiving a lecture from someone who is clearly scientifically illiterate.Ryland Barton's charged, leftwing diatribe scolding me for making "claims [not] backed up by science" is itself ignorant of and...

Courier Journal Op-Ed: Rand Paul: “I didn’t block anti-lynching bill, I attempted to strengthen it”
When I ran for office, I promised to read the bills. Apparently, that is not a requirement for Courier Journal columnists. Had The Courier read the anti-lynching bill and listened to the floor debate before launching into an ad hominem attack on me, they might have...

Washington Examiner Op-Ed: Sen. Rand Paul: “Veto fake reform of the Patriot Act”
In 2015, I filibustered reauthorization of the Patriot Act. My filibuster was not popular with other senators because it kept them in Washington over a Memorial Day weekend. I still remember one or two hotheads muttering and directing profanity under their breath. I...

The American Conservative Op-Ed: “Trump Deserves Credit For Bringing The Troops Home”
In 1988, a certain congressman from Texas ran for president on a platform of bringing home our troops from around the world. Even then, more than 30 years ago, U.S. troops were in over 100 countries, and tens of thousands were still in Europe.That Texas congressman...

The Hill Op-Ed: “As We Have United When Tested in the Past, Americans Are Working Together to Fight Coronavirus”
As we face the pandemic's many challenges, Americans are stepping up and working together to help equip our medical professionals with the masks, gloves, and other personal protective equipment (PPE) they need on the front lines of the fight.President Trump said on...

Bowling Green Daily News Op-Ed: “Reopening of Economy Should be Gradual, Guidelines Should Vary by Location”
What if I had told you a month ago that some sort of contagion would be unleashed upon our country that would cause 20 million people to lose their jobs and for us to go $6 trillion further into debt?Many pundits would have likely responded, "That's crazy. It could...

The Hill Op-Ed: Sen. Rand Paul: “Reform Health Care by Offering More Choices”
The coronavirus pandemic is testing the American workforce in ways no one has ever seen. According to some estimates, the heavy-handed stay-at-home orders imposed in many states could lead to unemployment rates on par with the Great Depression before the end of...

USA Today: Sen. Paul: “Why I Didn’t Quarantine After Getting Tested”
I did not quarantine while awaiting a coronavirus test because I did not meet the criteria for quarantine. In fact, I did not meet the current criteria for even being tested, much less quarantined.I have not had an encounter with anyone that health officials...

Washington Examiner Op-Ed: “Rand Paul: Government Checks Shouldn’t Go To People Like Me”
Did you know that the bipartisan coronavirus bailout bill will provide nearly everybody in my family with a check? And I'm not poor. I'm a United States senator.As a member of the Senate, I think it's an abomination for the government to send checks to U.S....

Nelson County Gazette Op-Ed: “VITAL Act Would Remove Red Tape from Labs Creating Diagnostic Tests”
As a physician, I understand the need for an "all hands on deck" response from our medical community to the Novel Coronavirus pandemic. That means speedy access to diagnostic testing and medical supplies, and, most importantly, it means preparedness to care for every...

Richmond Register Op-Ed: “Paul: We Will Get Through This Crisis”
It is important to approach the current Coronavirus pandemic with equal measures of prudence and hope. Practical solutions to stop the spread of a novel disease are not new. They have worked in the past, and they do not need to lead to fear or panic. In fact, looking...

The Hill Op-Ed: “Dr. Rand Paul’s Prescription for Combating the Coronavirus Crisis”
This weekend, the Senate will likely vote on Phase 3 of the federal coronavirus response. As they do so, I urge aggressive but prudent actions.As a physician, we learn early and take an oath to "do no harm." This is an important principle to apply to both the medical...

Fox News Op-Ed: “Sen. Rand Paul: My FISA Reform Amendment Will Keep America Safe”
In 1964, Ronald Reagan famously observed that "[n]o government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. So governments' programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth." Each...

Fox News Op-Ed: “Sen. Paul & Rep. Gaetz: In Trump’s Senate impeachment trial Dems are the ones abusing power”
The American people have seen a grand charade on display in Washington.First, the circus toured the U.S. House for weeks, and now the sideshow has stopped over in the U.S. Senate. Democrats have accused President Donald Trump of using the government to go after his...

Newsweek Op-Ed: “Rand Paul: End the Afghanistan War and Bring Our Soldiers Home”
On a rainy Monday night at Dover Air Force Base last week, I joined President Trump for the final homecoming of Sgt. First Class Javier J. Gutierrez and Sgt. First Class Antonio R. Rodriguez, who gave their lives the prior weekend in Afghanistan.I will never forget...

Fox News Op-Ed: “Sen. Rand Paul: Schiff’s release of phone records is absolutely outrageous Here’s what has to happen next”
Sometimes the hypocrisy in Washington is so bad it is almost laughable. The House impeachment witch hunt reached that level this week with the revelations that Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., had acquired and published personal phone records of...