Dr. Rand Paul’s Op-Eds

Fox News Op-Ed: “Stop arming radical jihadism”

Fox News Op-Ed: “Stop arming radical jihadism”

The Middle East is a hot cauldron continually threatening to boil over.It is a mistake to funnel arms into centuries-old conflicts.There is no great certainty that the arms we send into the Middle East will not one day be used against our soldiers. In fact, there is a...

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Fox News Op-Ed: “Stop arming radical jihadism”

Townhall Op-Ed: “Dangers to Dissidents”

The brutal murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi has opened a window into the world of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and reminded us that there are many places in the world where disagreeing with your government is a death sentence.I break with the...

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Fox News Op-Ed: “Stop arming radical jihadism”

The Atlantic Op-Ed: “Stop Military Aid to Saudi Arabia”

By now you've seen the headlines: An American resident, a Saudi Arabian journalist who wrote for The Washington Post, has gone missing abroad and is presumed dead. Jamal Khashoggi was last seen walking into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, and Turkish security...

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Fox News Op-Ed: “Stop arming radical jihadism”

The Atlantic Op-Ed: “The U.S. Must Engage With Russia”

On my recent trip to Russia, I spent an hour with Mikhail Gorbachev. I told him that in the West we are grateful that he and President Ronald Reagan defied Cold War orthodoxy to significantly reduce our countries' nuclear arms. And I asked him whether there was a...

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