March 7, 2024
Contact: Press_Paul@paul.senate.gov, 202-224-4343
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) joined U.S. Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) in introducing a resolution in the U.S. Senate slamming Congress’ obsession with reckless earmarks. Dr. Paul and Sen. Rick Scott were joined in fighting against reckless government spending by Senators Ron Johnson (R-WI), Mike Braun (R-IN), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), John Barrasso (R-WY), Mike Lee (R-UT), Josh Hawley (R-MO), and Steve Daines (R-MT).
The minibus spending bill being considered by the Senate contains more than 6,600 earmarks detailed over 605 pages which include:
- $1 million for an environmental justice center in New York City;
- $3.5 million for a Thanksgiving parade in Michigan; and
- $1 million for a social justice center in San Francisco to make building improvements.
Senator Rand Paul said, “Washington has a spending problem and forcing the taxpayers to pay for over $12 billion worth of earmarks is no way to return to a path of fiscal sanity. We must put a stop to government waste and return to being good stewards of American tax dollars.”
Senator Rick Scott said, “Earmarks are Washington’s corrupt way to recklessly spend taxpayer money with zero scrutiny and must be stopped. While the federal government’s debt nears $35 trillion and inflation has skyrocketed 18% under Joe Biden, the minibus spending bill has more than 6,600 projects that will cost taxpayers $12 BILLION. This clearly isn’t about funding the government, it’s about funding pet projects for politicians like Chuck Schumer. Floridians have no interest in funding Schumer’s wish list. We must end this wasteful political corruption that Washington calls earmarks.”
Senator Ron Johnson said, “Earmarks are the gateway drug to more massive deficit spending. Even some Republicans joined with Democrats to contribute billions in earmarks to this bill, despite claiming to value fiscal responsibility. America cannot afford a wish list upwards of $12 billion that further mortgages our children’s futures and masquerades as responsible spending.”
Senator Mike Braun said, “The American people should not be forced to pay for political pet projects. There are over 6,000 earmarks in this inflation bomb spending bill. Cut them all.”
Senator Marsha Blackburn said, “The Washington swamp uses earmarks to push lobbyist pet projects and continue a pattern of wasteful spending that only hurts Main Street businesses and hardworking families. Tennessee taxpayers should not have to foot the bill for a social justice organization in Northern California, an education campaign to protect monk seals in Hawaii, or an environmental justice center in New York. This is a reckless waste of taxpayer dollars that will only exacerbate our national debt.”
Senator Mike Lee said, “Washington’s penchant for playing puppeteer with taxpayer dollars must end. Earmarks corrupt government processes, eroding the trust between the governed and those entrusted to govern. The American people have made it abundantly clear: they have no appetite for such wasteful spending. Senator Scott’s resolution is pivotal to reasserting our conference’s commitment to banning earmarks. Failure to act is not just against our principles but a betrayal to the next generation of Americans who will bear the burden of our fiscal irresponsibility.”
Senator Steve Daines said, “Earmarks represent the worst of Congress, slimy backroom deals that make lobbyists rich on the taxpayer’s dime. Washington must reject these toxic deals and return to fiscal sanity.”
Read the text of the resolution HERE