Preference is given to students from Kentucky or students attending a Kentucky university or college. The intern selection process is highly competitive due to the limited amount of space and resources available. There are usually more qualified applicants than positions available. If selected for an internship, you are responsible for your own housing, food, and transportation.
If you have any questions about Senator Paul’s internship program, you can contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-4343 or my Bowling Green office at (270) 782-8303.

Internships In Kentucky
Internships are offered in the spring, fall, and summer.
Intern In Kentucky
Thank you for your interest in my Bowling Green State office Internship program. Internship positions through my Bowling Green State office give high school seniors (high school and Gatton students criteria: age 17, or a senior or a high school graduate) and college students the opportunity to receive approved credit hours in their respective field of study. They will be assigned to the Bowling Green State office and will assist my staff with daily tasks that are identified by the office supervisor.
Intern In Washington, DC
Thank you for your interest in Senator Paul’s internship program! Senator Paul is enthusiastic about the number of young adults who wish to become involved in the legislative process. Internships are offered in the spring, summer, and fall. The summer program is divided into two six-week sessions: mid-May to the end of June and the beginning of July to mid-August. Exact start and end dates can vary.
The application deadlines are as follows:
Spring Internships (January-May)
Application Deadline: 11:59 pm on November 1
Summer Internships (Two, six-week sessions from May-August)
Application Deadline: 11:59 pm on February 1
Fall Internships (September-December)
Application Deadline: 11:59 pm on July 1
An internship in Senator Paul’s Washington, D.C. office offers students the opportunity to learn firsthand about the daily operations of the Senate. As an intern in the Washington, D.C. office, some of your responsibilities may include answering telephones, sorting constituent mail, attending hearings, giving Capitol tours, and performing legislative research.
During the summer sessions, in partnership with The Fund for American Studies, Senator Paul hosts the Summer Intern Lecture Series consisting of multiple thought-provoking lectures featuring guest speakers from a wide variety of backgrounds and perspectives.

Internships In Washington, D.C.
Internships are offered in the spring, fall, and summer.