WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sen. Rand Paul today reintroduced the Economic Freedom Zones Act of 2015. This legislation will establish free market enterprise zones and dramatically reduce taxes in order to help facilitate the creation of new jobs, entrepreneurial opportunities, enhance and renew educational opportunities and increase community involvement in bankrupt or economically distressed areas. These zones will apply to any zip code with unemployment greater than one and a half times the national average. 
“There are many communities in our country still waiting and praying for economic recovery and opportunity,” said Sen. Paul. “I want to give Americans in these places the chance to succeed.”
“The Economic Freedom Zones Act will allow impoverished areas to remove the shackles of big government by reducing taxes, regulations, and burdensome work requirements. These zones will give parents and students the flexibility to find better schools and provide incentives for philanthropy. By taking drastic, meaningful action, we can create new jobs and finally get these communities back to work,” Sen. Paul continued.

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