WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul, chairman of the Federal Spending Oversight Subcommittee, released the fourth installment of his “Worldwide Waste” series, a special project of “The Waste Report.” Dr. Paul’s “Waste Report” alerts taxpayers to egregious examples of waste within the U.S. government to help reform spending and keep legislators accountable to the people.

Despite recent passage of a five-year highway bill, Congress has still not addressed many of the long-term questions of how to fund America’s infrastructure needs. Meanwhile, it has shown little concern about devoting significant amounts of money to similar infrastructure and related projects overseas. 

“Worldwide Waste,” Part 4 examines the outcome of many of these taxpayer-funded projects, including $233 million to construct an Afghanistan highway (which started with a $69 million budget), nearly $2 million to promote motorcycle helmet laws in Cambodia, and $43 million to build a natural gas filling station in Afghanistan that nobody could use. 

You can learn more in “Worldwide Waste,” Part 4 HERE, and you can find a summary of its featured stories and the amounts involved HERE.


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