WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul joined President Donald Trump for the official signing of legislation benefiting Kentucky’s coal industry.  H.J. Res. 38 exercises Congress’ power under the Congressional Review Act to overturn the newly implemented Stream Buffer Rule. Last month, Sen. Paul joined fellow Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell and 28 other Senators in introducing the Senate version, S.J. Res. 10, which was followed by the House’s companion measure. 

“I am excited to join the President today as he signs and enacts our initiative to finally provide relief to our coal industry,” said Dr. Paul. “I am proud to be keeping my word to Kentucky’s hardworking coal miners and their families as I continue to work to roll back the disastrous effects of the Obama administration’s War on Coal.”

You can find video of the event, where Dr. Paul also spoke, HERE.  

The Stream Buffer Rule’s provisions included prohibiting coal mining within 100 feet of streams (with limited exceptions) and shutting down surface mining if an animal species that is merely being proposed for listing as endangered or threatened is present in or near the mine. It also allowed federal bureaucrats to preempt and overrule state permitting standards. The National Mining Association had estimated that the Rule endangered one third of coal-related jobs and could have cost billions in lost federal and state tax revenue. 

In addition to cosponsoring S.J. Res. 10, Dr. Paul previously worked to protect coal miners from the Stream Buffer Rule through direct intervention with the Department of Interior and OSM, as well as cosponsoring the STREAM Act in the 114th Congress to delay its implementation.



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