November 8, 2019
 Contact: 202-224-4343

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, U.S. Senator Rand Paul introduced his Penny Plan to Enhance Infrastructure Act (S.2792), which will help prioritize funding for Kentucky’s critical infrastructure projects by cutting just one percent from the federal government’s non-infrastructure discretionary spending and directing that money to infrastructure.
Dr. Paul’s bill would provide $12.3 billion for 2020 for new infrastructure spending, and it doesn’t touch Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security.

“Kentuckians shouldn’t pay the price for a Congress that doesn’t know how to prioritize funding for our nation’s most dire needs over less immediately important ones,” said Dr. Paul. “My plan would ensure more of your hard-earned tax dollars are allocated to infrastructure projects right here in your communities, not sent overseas or spent on wasteful programs.”

Spending would be directed toward things such as Highway Infrastructure Programs; airport and airway improvement; railroad infrastructure; waterway improvements, including port infrastructure; military construction; safe and clean drinking water; and rural utility services.
Based on some estimates, this new funding alone could pay for between 2,500 and 6,200 miles of new 4-lane highways, 2,200 miles of 6-lane interstates, or resurface nearly 20,000 miles of existing 4-lane roads.
You can view a copy of the bill below:


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