March 31, 2021
 Contact: , 202-224-4343 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last week, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) reintroduced companion legislation in the U.S. Senate to U.S. Representative Chip Roy’s (R-TX-21) Coronavirus Regulatory Repeal Act. This legislation would require Congress to justify restoring regulations that were either modified or waived in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill would keep such regulations modified or waived unless Congress passes a law restoring them. 
U.S. Representative Chip Roy introduced the U.S. House version of the bill on Monday (H.R. 6691).
“Even the most ardent supporters of the heavy regulatory burdens imposed by Washington bureaucrats have come to realize that over-regulation hindered our country’s response to the pandemic. As we move into the recovery phase, we have an opportunity to provide lasting relief. I have long argued for reining in the administrative state, and common sense and simple good government demand we carefully evaluate changed or waived regulations to determine if they are necessary at all,” said Dr. Paul.
“We should ensure we do not simply flip the switch back to re-impose unnecessary federal regulations on the American people. This legislation will immediately end those, as well as leave alone any regulation modified during the emergency period. Small and simple government is good government; and maximizing the American people’s liberty allows our economy and our country’s entrepreneurial spirit to flourish to be the best they can be,” said Rep. Roy. “Deregulation efforts during the pandemic have allowed for patients to access telemedicine, and companies to step up to help produce necessary goods such as personal protective equipment (PPE) and hand sanitizer. If it wasn’t for waiving certain regulations, we never would have seen testing ramped up to sufficient levels, or a coronavirus vaccine authorized before 2021.”
Under the Coronavirus Regulatory Repeal Act, federal agencies would have one month after the bill’s passage to submit a report to Congress as to whether a given regulation that has been waived or modified during the emergency should be restored, repealed, or left in effect as modified.

Temporary “Federal Regulatory Review Commissions” made up of federal department heads and the members of Congress that oversee their agencies would then have one additional month to recommend to the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader which regulations the Commission believes should be repealed, restored, or left modified. Any such recommendations would require an act of Congress to be implemented.
Regulations that would be reviewed under the bill include an easing of restrictions on the size of hand sanitizer that travelers can bring through airport security, allowing the use of new technologies in telehealth and distance education, enabling hospitals and healthcare systems to more quickly hire local, trained medical personnel, and more.
This legislation is currently supported by:

  • Americans for Prosperity
  • Americans for Tax Reform
  • FreedomWorks
  • National Taxpayers Union

You can read S.969, Coronavirus Regulatory Repeal Act, HERE


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