WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last Friday, May 5, U.S. Senator Rand Paul sent follow-up letters to members of the U.S. House and Senate intelligence committees seeking more information on whether he and other members of Congress were surveilled by the Obama administration or the intelligence community. 

“I am requesting a clear answer on whether your committee received a Gates notice related to me or to members of my staff,” Dr. Paul stated in his letter. 

Dr. Paul also enclosed a copy of the recent Circa article reporting that government officials allegedly sought a significantly higher amount of National Security Agency (NSA) data on Americans in 2016 and eventually unmasked congressional members and staffers, as well as associates of President Trump.[1] 

In April, Dr. Paul wrote to President Trump and congressional intelligence committee members to request further investigation based on an anonymous source’s tip that Dr. Paul may have been included in NSA information gathering.  

Dr. Paul reiterated this request in his May 5 letter, which you can read HERE


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